A plastic godown comes into a fire broke out in the Chinhat area of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. According to the local people, the fire took a place near the early morning in the godown. The Police, Ambulances, and fire tenders were reached at the spot on the time where the rescue operation is underway.

Massive Fire Breaks Out at Plastic Godown in Lucknow
According to the local police, the cause for the fire is not revealed now and we are finding the reason behind this incident. Police also said,” the firefighters and fire brigades have reached on the spot will their all equipment.
The ambulance also available there, if someone is injured so, easily can be treated by experts.
Everything that can solve problems like firefighters, doctors, and local police are now on the spot and firefighters are trying to dows the flames. No, any casualty has been reported yet from the spot.
Maybe, some important and material has been burned into the fire and some has been saved by the local peoples and firefighters. As per the labourers, they were in the factory and when this incident happened, they all run outside from there. The reason for the fire will be identified.
As per the latest reports, there is no news of anyone being injured yet and how many are in the factory, but whenever we will get the full information, will be updated soon.
More details awaited.
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