What Happened to Ahmad Khatib?

What Happened to Ahmad Khatib? Iksa Group CEO Caught Tearing Posters Of Israeli Civilians

One more thing, a piece of attention-grabbing news has surfaced on the internet in which it is being told that people were caught tearing posters of Israeli citizens. Ixa Group CEO was caught tearing posters of Israeli citizens. Yes, you heard it right. This news is becoming increasingly viral on the internet and is forcing people to know about it. After hearing this news, people started asking many questions like who was the person who tore the poster. What was the reaction of the people after watching the video of the person tearing the poster and many other questions? Because of this, we have collected for you every important information related to this news. So let’s move forward with the article and know this news in depth.

What Happened to Ahmad Khatib?

As we have told you at the beginning of the article an Israeli citizen was arrested while tearing posters. As soon as the video of poster tearing surfaced on social media, a huge crowd of people became curious to watch this video. However, the video has created quite a stir on the internet due to which a good number of people have liked it and also given likes. A video is trending on the internet in which you can see that a man is wearing a white hoodie and is tearing the posters visible on the wall with great anger.

What Happened to Ahmad Khatib?

When this video was investigated, it was found that the man seen tearing the poster in the video was none other than Ahmad Khatib himself. Yes, if you have never heard about Ahmad Khatib before, then let us tell you that Ahmad Khatib is the CEO of Iksa Group. Now the question arises why did they tear down the posters on the wall? However, to answer your question, let us tell you that the posters were based on a scene of the kidnapping of Israeli civilians which were pasted by Hamas terrorists themselves.

You all know very well that on October 7, 2023, Palestinian militant groups, mainly Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, have taken Israeli civilians captive. However, in all this, innocent people lost their lives and many people even got separated from their families. In such a situation, Ahmad Khatib’s decision to remove the posters put up by Hamas terrorists was right, which people found very right. Here we have shared the complete information about this incident. Stay tuned with us for more latest updates.


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