
What Happened to Brave Saoirse Ruane? Saoirse Ruane’s Family Share ‘Devastating’ Health Update

Saoirse Ruane’s family has gone through a week of “highs and lows” following the devastating news that her cancer has spread to her second lung. In an Instagram post, Roseanna Ruane, Saoirse’s mother, revealed that the family had recently taken a trip to London, but just a few days later, she was told that her daughter’s cancer had spread. Keep reading to learn more about the courageous journey of this young star of The Late Late Toy Show. Saoirse Ruane has been battling an uncommon form of bone cancer called osteosarcoma for the past few years. In her latest health update, Roseanna revealed that the cancer has now spread to her lungs.

What Happened to Brave Saoirse Ruane

Children’s TV’s biggest star Saoirse has captured the hearts of millions of viewers after making an emotional appearance on Australia’s Late Late Show’s Toy Show back in 2020. After being invited onto the show by host Matt Lauer, the young starlet opened up about her family’s battle with a life-threatening condition. At just seven years old Saoirse began to experience pain in her ankle and was diagnosed with a rare type of bone cancer known as a ‘steato-rosarcoma’. But Saoirse’s bravery and strength shone through as she made her way onto the stage of the Toy Show, captivating viewers with her story. Her story has captured hearts across Australia and has made her a true-life superhero.

What Happened to Brave Saoirse Ruane?

The brave young girl has been fighting cancer for 4 years and has had some highs and lows along the way. She recently released her charity single ‘Sing for Sao’rse’ and took an unexpected trip to London. However, Saoirse’s mother Roseanna revealed in an emotional post that her daughter’s latest CT scan had revealed that the cancer had spread to her lungs. Roseanna wrote in the post that while the tumor in the left lung “has remained relatively stable”, the CT scan showed that cancer had “spread” to the right lung.” Roseanna went on to explain how difficult it had been for the family to cope with the news, as Saoirse had been diagnosed four times in the last four years.

Despite the difficult news, the post highlighted Saoirse’s strength and courage. The post went on to say that Saoirse was the first person to ask for a Christmas tree when she heard the news. Despite the challenges, the family is choosing to keep a sense of normality and joy, hoping that their daughter’s courage will continue to motivate others. The post ended with a plea for continued love and support, saying “Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers.” Many of the followers expressed their condolences and words of encouragement.

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