
What Happened to Joi Dickerson-Neal? Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Hit With Second Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Assault

Good Day Readers, Today news has come stating that a man Joi Dickerson-Neal has recently accused Diddy of another sexual assault incident dating back to 1991. Stay with this article to find out more about this news. Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs faces a new lawsuit with significant allegations, as Joi Dickerson-Neal claims he sexually assaulted her in 1991 when she was a California student, according to a recent case filed under the Adult Survivors Act reported by Daily Mail. At the time, Joi Dickerson-Neal, a psychology student at Syracuse University, encountered Combs while employed as a waitress at Wells’ Restaurant in Harlem.

What Happened to Joi Dickerson-Neal

During his tenure as a talent director at Uptown Records, Combs purportedly exerted pressure on her for a date and allegedly later added something to her drink, according to reports. According to her account, he then brought her to an apartment where she experienced sexual assault, and the incident was purportedly filmed and widely circulated. Following the purported assault, Joi Dickerson-Neal abandoned her college education and aspirations in the music industry. The lawsuit, filed under the New York Adult Survivors Act, seeks unspecified damages, leveraging a legal provision that grants victims of abuse a one-year window to file a civil lawsuit, even after the expiration of the statute of limitations.

What Happened to Joi Dickerson-Neal?

Reportedly inspired by Cassie, Diddy’s ex-girlfriend, who swiftly settled a federal lawsuit alleging rape and a decade-long pattern of abuse, Dickerson-Neal made the decision to come forward. In court documents, Joi Dickerson-Neal outlines her emotional trauma, narrating the difficulties she encountered, including social isolation, clinical depression, and professional setbacks, all supposedly linked to the assault.

Despite reporting the incident to authorities in New York and New Jersey, investigations faced challenges due to the absence of witnesses and the industry’s hesitancy to speak out against Combs. Ben Brafman, Combs’ lawyer, has not released a statement regarding the recent lawsuit as of now. Joi Dickerson-Neal remains steadfast in seeking justice, expressing confidence in her capacity to support her claims with witness testimonies. Her objective is to illuminate the emotional distress she alleges to have endured.

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