What Is the Most Expensive Type of Aquamarine Stone?

Aquamarine is a stone with a rich history, dating back to ancient times. The name “Aquamarine” comes from the Latin words for “water” and “sea”, which makes sense since this gemstone has a color resembling the blue waters of the ocean.

The aquamarine stone is commonly known for its ability to inspire calmness, peace, and tranquility. It is known for its vivid blue color and beautiful sparkle, making it a great addition to any jewelry collection.

What Determines the Value of Aquamarines?

The value of this beautiful gemstone depends on its rarity. The rarer the stone, the more valuable it is. Aquamarine stones with high color saturation are considered rarer than those with low color saturation.

Another factor that impacts how much people are willing to pay for aquamarine stones is their quality. A good quality aquamarine will have a clear center area surrounded by a whitish band—this is called “the crown.” If there is another layer of color on top of this crown, then it’s considered a “veil” and will not be worth as much as an aquamarine without a veil.

While there are many different types of aquamarine, they all have certain qualities that make them unique. When you’re looking to Buy Aquamarine Stone Online from a trusted place like GemPundit, you will find these qualities in it.

How to identify the Most Expensive Aquamarines

Aquamarine is one of the most durable stones on earth. It can be polished and set into jewelry without losing its luster or durability, making it a great choice for anyone who wants their pieces to last for generations. In fact, some sellers claim that their pieces will last hundreds of years without needing any maintenance at all!

Because aquamarine is so hardy, it doesn’t need much polishing or cleaning. As long as your piece isn’t exposed to extreme temperatures (such as being exposed to direct sunlight), it will stay looking beautiful forever. Still, here are some factors that can help you choose the best one:

Color and Durability

The most expensive aquamarine stones are those that are light blue to pale greenish blue with strong reflection and intense hue. The color of an aquamarine will vary depending on its source and whether or not it has been treated with heat or water. Heat will cause the stone to become darker while water can turn it lighter or cause it to lose its shine.

In its natural form, aquamarine is a natural quartz crystal with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale—which means you can scratch it with a fingernail! But it doesn’t stay that way forever: just like any other mineral, aquamarine can be drilled and polished to make it clearer and more attractive—and this process makes it more valuable!

Clarity and Luster

Another quality factor that affects the price of an aquamarine stone is how clear it is compared to other gems like rubies or emeralds. The clearer the stone, the higher its value—but don’t worry if you can only see tiny flecks of color in your aquamarine! The more color there is to see, the more valuable it will be. However, the presence of small bubbles can reduce the value of a stone, as these imperfections detract from its brightness and sparkle.

Also consider the stone’s luster: How shiny it appears when held up against the light. A high luster rating means that your aquamarine has been polished with very little grit or grit particles left behind after polishing (which increases the risk of chipping).

Aquamarine stones with both high clarity and luster are more valuable than those that are less clear or have less luster. 


Aquamarine shapes include round, oval, pear-shaped, emerald-cut, marquise-cut, cushion-cut, imperial-cut, heart-shaped, or half-moon cut. These shapes add to the value of the stone by making it more attractive to buyers who want to display it on their finger or in another setting without distracting them from its natural beauty.

The most important thing to remember about buying finely cut aquamarine stones for your own jewelry or for selling at an auction house is that you should always ask about certification from an independent laboratory such as TECS or GIA before buying any gemstone.

Cut and Carat

The cut also adds value to an aquamarine because it determines how well it will fit into your ring design; if it’s too deep or shallow for your purpose you won’t be able to wear it comfortably.

The stones can range in size from 1-1/2 carats up to 7 carats. If you’re looking for something smaller than that but still want to feel like you’re getting your money’s worth, try browsing through the selection of smaller but still beautiful aquamarine rings at GemPundit. They have unique designs that will suit any taste or budget!

Most Expensive and Exclusive Aquamarines in the World

The most famous and expensive aquamarines in the world are all from Brazil. The Dom Pedro Aquamarine, which is cut like a long obelisk, was mined in Brazil in the 1980s and has been described as a “priceless” gemstone. 

In 1936, another Brazilian blue aquamarine found its way into the hands of an American President, Franklin Roosevelt’s wife Eleanor Roosevelt. He was so taken with it that he had it set in an aquamarine ring that became an iconic symbol of his presidency. The ring was donated to the Roosevelt Presidential Library in 1947.

Queen Elizabeth’s Aquamarine Tiara was made in 1957 by Garrard & Co., one of London’s finest jewelry designers at the time. It features a small crown-like setting for one aquamarine stone set against another smaller one that acts as if they are kissing each other’s lips—which is how it came about its name (it literally means “kissing stones”). 

Meghan Markle’s ring, which she wore throughout her time with Prince Harry during their wedding ceremony, is made from an aquamarine stone surrounded by tiny diamonds. The ring is from Princess Diana’s collection and has a stone weighing 30 carats. 

The best aquamarine stone is the one that fits your needs. If you’re interested in high-quality materials and craftsmanship, then consider investing in an aquamarine stone with a natural origin. 


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