What Video Trends Will Your Brand Take Advantage of this Year?

What Video Trends Will Your Brand Take Advantage of This Year?

Videos have unquestionably become a big hit in recent times and form an integral part of most campaigns. Marketers who leverage this medium for advertising or branding purposes have seen many positive results. Videos already account for 87% of marketing strategies, and the trend is only moving upward.

What Video Trends Will Your Brand Take Advantage of this Year?

Most video messages produced are presented innovatively, making it enjoyable for the viewer to understand the product, business, or service in a light-hearted way.  Through this blog, we aim to highlight simple video marketing ideas and some of the video production trends of 2020 that can be incorporated in the video marketing strategy to favor the changing customer expectations virtually. 

  1. Innovative 360-degree Interactive Videos Deliver Unique Experience

Virtual Reality videos or 360-degree videos are shots that cover a large background area in the frame, from different angles.  These videos are interactive and allow the audience to move their mouse or finger on the part of the screen and learn more about whatever is being showcased. The experience is enhanced on the mobile version. Viewers can tilt their phones and move it around, to get a 360-degree glimpse of the reel.

This innovative video format is being readily used by marketers, as their audiences enjoy this experiential form of viewing and spend a long time interacting with the video. The virtual showcase of product or service, allows the users to get a feel of the offering, before deciding to purchase it. No wonder, 98% of consumers prefer a 360-degree video vs the other video formats.

No matter what industry you are in, a 360-degree showcase is always a good idea. Video Branching is an exciting new concept where the viewer is given a choice or a menu to choose the option of their interest to continue engaging with the video. This gives the consumer the power to learn more about the subject that is pertaining to him and skip the unnecessary bit which doesn’t really add value. Branching works well when services such as training, e-learning, or marketing are provided to the user. 

          Videos Get More Personalized

Imagine receiving a video on email which directly addresses you and your requirements. Though this concept is at its nascent stage, all marketing and sales efforts are moving digital, and hence, this could become a reality soon. Personalized videos make the user feel special, and this can create an instant bond between the brand & the probable customer. For marketers, tools such as Vidyard and Data Creative allow them to curate personalized video messages for a single user, a group of users, or for an organization. These personalized messages are dispersed via emails and only reach the inbox of the specific user. Unlike generic videos, the message curated for personalized videos is based on past data analysis, specific consumer preferences, and agreeable consumer feedback. Hence, personalized videos can be incorporated into your overall video marketing strategies.

      2. Vlogging Trend For Businesses

Vlogs help brands humanize their presence. It helps brands maintain an ongoing rapport with their existing customers and also targets new customers by allowing the viewers to share the vlog content further. Vlogs are said to be the third-best video content format, after ‘how-to’ and educational videos. Any Vlog aims to give authentic insights about the product, services, or generic information to the viewers, which could be of some use to them. Brands can build a knitted community of followers by featuring helpful tips and topics on a day-to-day basis for them. Organizations can bring to forth subject experts, employees, and even existing customers to share their opinions freely on the brand’s Vlog channel on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram.  

      3. Video Advertising To Promote Instant Sale

Brands are always looking at reducing the number of steps required for the customer to purchase a product online. Therefore, the trend is moving in favor of video shoppable-Ads. This format allows the interested viewer to watch a short Ad and then make the purchase on the spot without any hassles. The audience is required to click on the product of their choice within the video, which leads them directly to the product landing page on the brand’s website. From here, the user clicks on Add to Cart or shop now and proceeds towards the payment page. Video Ads can thus simplify the online purchase process and give an excellent experience to the end-user.

     4. Live Video Streaming To Continue Surfacing

Live Video streaming plays an essential role by creating meaningful social interactions with the audiences.  Marketers can hold Q&A sessions and live seminars on various topics of interest to engage the audience and make them a part of the discussion. This makes the existing customers feel involved and heard. Some marketers take advantage of the Live feature, to stream corporate events and exhibitions for the benefit of those who could not be physically present at the venue. Giving the audience real-time insight is a great way to engage people for longer durations, as compared to a regular video upload which has limited capacity to capture one’s attention (only 2-3 minutes).  

      5. Greater Emphasis On Long-Form Video Content 

As the consuming capacity is increasing, long-form videos are becoming more acceptable. Viewers are more than happy to spend as long as 3 minutes watching a video that intrigues them and addresses a topic of their interest. Long-form video formats provide an excellent opportunity for brands to build a long-lasting relationship and a community of trustworthy followers. Longer videos are also beneficial from an SEO point of view as one can include long-tail keywords in the metadata section of the video. 

     6. Creating IGTV Series   

Instagram’s new tool IGTV (Instagram TV) allows verified brands to upload video content for as long as 60 minutes. This makes for an excellent opportunity for brands to showcase their thought-leadership and share educational content on How To’s & DIYs with the followers. Brands can even feature their own video series under the latest IGTV Series section. The series is a set of videos that address a particular topic related to the brand in an entertaining fashion. Followers soon form a habit and want to come back to your channel to watch the upcoming series on a weekly basis. 

All these trends suggest that video marketing as a means for content generation is the way forward. In the age of OTT streaming, people are getting comfortable consuming content in the video format for a longer duration. Hence, marketers need to ‘up their games’ and follow the video marketing trends to stay relevant to the audience. 


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