During the Pandemic of Covid-19, Government launched the APP to fight with CoronaVirus. The application helps you to find Covid-19 patients in your area. The government of India officially launched Aarogya Setu Mobile App on the 2nd of April to protect the people from the spreads of virus. The App is work on connectivity with mobile Bluetooth to trace apparatus. The Application alerts you if anyone in your contacts finds and tested positive. Also, the Application records details of all people who have come in your contact when you follow your daily routine. The App also provides precautions and relevant advisories to the users of the mobiles.

It can also identify the location of your area. If you take a self-estimation test of your health by sharing the information that you did in some of your recent times in your area, so the app will automatically identify your area. It will help to keep away from the patients and take necessary control to spread to the Covid-19. The Application work in 12 languages as on Android, iOS, and as well as KaiOS. After the installation of the App, users have to “SWITCH ON’ their mobile always.
Who Created the Aarogya Setu App?
The Aarogya Setu App was created in the time of 21 days. The Government said,” The App inform and send all the details related to the Government agencies that are suffering from the virus. It is a Made In India Contact Tracing App with the help of Indian minds. Savants and the Government had worked a lot to build a strong and secure app for the citizens.
The Central Information Commission sent a notice to the Government on Wednesday for What is called “evasive answers” and who created the Aarogya Setu App who helps us to fight with the Covid-19 Pandemic.
According to the survey, Aarogya Setu says that the App was created by the Information Technology Ministry and the National Informatics Centre, but according to the Central Information Commission, many ministries and Government departments gave “evasive answer” on the query of Right to Information(RTI) on who created the App?
Saurav Dass had complained on the Information Commission that many authorities and ministries had failed to provide the details about App and hows the App was approved, all copies of emails between persons who help to develop the App, Government departments and Companies are involved in this. It has been over two months and the query had bounced on the many departments of Government.
The App was announced through the press and social media posts in April because App had launched in public partnership mode ” to bring all people together against the fight with the virus”. Over 16 crore people downloaded this App in their mobile and helped us to fight with this Pandemic. So, there should be no doubt with the Aarogya Setu App and the role of helping us to fight with the Virus.
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