Who is Abby Dibbs? Wisconsin Teacher Had Sex With Student 17 year Old

Who is Abby Dibbs? Teacher Had Sex With Student 17 year Old In Home

A 35-year-old teacher of the Portage High School in Wisconsin, US was accused of sexual offence and molestation of a 17-year old student from the same school. It has been reported the name of the accused teacher is Abby Dibbs, who used to work as a teacher in the Portage High School. As per the sources, the teacher and her student were involved in sexual intercourse activities and the teacher herself has admitted that they were intimate with each other several times. It has been said that the 17-year old student from her school was in love with her and although Dibbs talked to him that they have no future together and this will not lead them anywhere, she ends up being intimate with him.

Who is Abby Dibbs? Wisconsin Teacher Had Sex With Student 17 year Old

Their sexual intercourse would have never come to view if one of the classmates of the victim did not report it to the Police. Thereafter, Dibbs was taken by the police for interrogation on 28th May 2021 and on 29th May 2021, that is, on Friday, she made her first presence in the court. In the court and in front of the detective, Dibbs confessed that she and the teenage student was in an intimate relationship and they have been involved in sexual intercourse two times at her residence on 21st and 22nd May 2021.

About Abby Dibbs

Dibbs is from Cross Plains and is a former teacher of the English language at the Portage High School. She has a teaching license for a life under the name of Abby Riese. After this, incident, Dibbs has been suspended permanently from the post of the teacher by the Portage Community School district.

However, later the victim who was involved in this incidence, also confirmed to the court that he was in a relationship with his teacher and also said that he loves her and is extremely disturbed and upset with the fact that other student informed about their relationship to the police. However, the mother of the teenager is elated and pleased that the classmate of her son informed about the same to the court and according to her, what the other student did is certainly right and fairly well.

As per one of the police officer of Sgt Dan Garrigan, ” the accuser and the victim were originally involved in a suitable student-teacher relationship. However, things turn out differently between them and gained pace than usual speed.” If Dibbs gets condemned by the court, her teaching license might also get suspended for a lifetime and will also be sentenced to imprisonment of 12 years and a penalty of $20,000 both.

Currently, she is on bail with bail fees of $3,500. As per the court documents, it has been reported that the teacher was only involved with one student, however, the police are further investigating the case and are trying to find out whether there is any other student apart from the 17-year-old, who was involved in the sexual intercourse or was molested by Dibbs. Stay tuned with us.


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