Tayla Stevenson

Who Is Tayla Stevenson? Young Woman Flooded With Offers From Hollywood

A very popular social media app Tik Tok is everyone familiar with that. An Australian girl gets a job offer from Hollywood after went her video viral on Tik Tok platform. At this time many people use the Tik Tok app. Some people are only users and some are used to making videos like -normal, funny and emotional videos etc. In this article, we are talking about a girl whose name is Tayla Stevenson. She is 23 years old. To know more about this girl, continue with this page and read the full article.

Tayla Stevenson

According to the reports, an Australian girl named Tayla Stevenson got a job offer from Hollywood. She shared this story herself. Shen is very Popular on the Tik Tok app. She has huge followers on Tik Tok. She has over 500k followers on Tik Tok. Besides, she also has many followers on her Instagram page. On her Instagram page, she has 80k + followers. She is from Australia, Sydney. After went viral on Tik Tok, her popularity increased. She is very happy after getting a job offer from  Hollywood. Her viral video was watched 13.2 million times. On that viral video, she got 2 million likes. Also, she gained over 600,000 followers after going viral. According to the sources, she made her Tik Tok profile during covid-19. She made her Tik Tok profile during the covid.

Who Is Tayla Stevenson?

Although, before the covid at that time she was a student of film and digital media. After the covid-19 everything was shut down. But still, she made videos on Tik Tok to entertain. She also made paid videos. However, she is just not famous but still she makes money On Tik Tok. And now after went viral she got the offer from Hollywood. On behalf of this viral video, she said it is still my most popular video. She also said everyone really liked my first skit and they were really like keep doing it, I am still in shock after getting a j0b offer from Hollywood. She also added that after going my video viral, lots of people in the industry want to work with me and they are reaching out to me on Tik Tok or my Instagram profile.

Many producers and actors want to collaborate and work with me. Tayla Stevenson completed her final semester at the University of California.  Currently, she is now living in Los Angeles. She says that in her case Tik Tok is a showreel. She added, in the industry people are using their clips. People are really liking her videos. She has a dream of producing films.  She also wants to write her own scripts. She continues on Tik Tok and making people entertain.


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