Why Was Jennifer Burrows Arrested?

Why Was Jennifer Burrows Arrested? Morgue Worker Charges Wiki, Age and More

In today’s article, we are going to investigate viral news. A report claiming that a mortuary worker, Jennifer Burrows, has been arrested after allegedly giving birth to a dead man’s baby has caught the attention of several social media users. The morgue employee, named Jennifer Burroughs, was arrested after a DNA test revealed that her newborn child was the result of necrophilic intercourse with a dead man, who had to be autopsied. In addition, the woman has also been accused of sexually abusing dozens of corpses during the past two years. As this news is going viral on social media, people are questioning whether the report is real or fake. Find out how much truth is in the report.

Why Was Jennifer Burrows Arrested?

Is Jennifer Burrows arrested after giving birth to a dead man’s child? Numerous people have taken the news seriously and hit the headlines. However, the article is fake. It was first published by a satirical website, “World News Daily Report,” in October 2016. The fake report has been circulating again on various social media platforms. Because of the surprising and weird complexity of the content, people were interested and started making memes and posts on it.

Why Was Jennifer Burrows Arrested?

Jennifer Burrows Arrested Story Is Fake. On November 2010, another satirical website called – Dead Serious News – released a similar story positing that a 38-year-old mortuary worker became pregnant following intercourse with a dead male which she was burying. The World News Daily seems to have recycled the story and developed Jennifer Burrows’s arrest story. The website did mention a disclaimer saying all the characters and situations are fictional. But the news is so catchy that people have shared the false news even before seeing it.

As mentioned above, the viral story is fictional and fake. Thus, a morgue worker named Jennifer Burrows doesn’t exist in the real world. According to the fictional description, Jennifer Burrows is a 26-year-old morgue worker. She is an assistant pathologist with the Jackson County medical examiner services. The Kansas City, Missouri Police Department revealed that Jennifer’s baby is the son of a man who died in March 2015 in a car crash. The child was born on 7 January 2016. The false news further claimed that a DNA test confirmed the newborn was the dead man’s child. The morgue worker allegedly abused more than 60 other dead bodies of males who were 17 to 71 years old. We have shared every single piece of news about this case with you. So, Stay tuned to Dekh news for more updates about this case.


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