Pervaiz Elahi

Why Was Pervaiz Elahi Arrested? Pakistan PTI’s Another Case Registered Explained!

Recently the news has come on the internet that stir following the gate-breaking raid at the home of Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhary Pervez Elahi in Lahore, Pakistan after he was accused of yet another case. Since the  Pervaiz Elahi’s arrest news went out on the social media platforms uncounted reactions started hitting the headlines as many people are shocked. This shocking news left many questions in people’s minds and now they must be very curious to know about the whole information about the incident. Here we have more information about the news and we will share it with you in this article.

Pervaiz Elahi

The stir has happened in the country and PTI allies have been angered. Individuals in a large number are demonstrating against the police and federal government. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf president and Punjab chief minister Chaudhry Prevaiz Elahi were charged in another new case after a terror case has been registered against him. On the basis of the report, ACE (Anti-Corruption Establishment) Gujranwala reported a lawsuit against the Punjab CM citing a source report in which Pervaiz Elahi is charged with a crime and receiving a bribe worth Rs 2 billion for a development project agreement. So scroll down to the next page for more information about the news.

Why Was Pervaiz Elahi Arrested?

Reportedly, Sohail Asghar Chaudhary was already charged in this case. The other blame, in this case, is the owner of the contracting company SCO Highway Gujarat named Haji Tariq. PTI President Pervaiz Elahi was arrested by the police when he has been charged with terror charges after a late-night raid at his residence. The complaint was filed against 50 individuals including the former chief minister in Lahore’s Ghalib Market Police Station. Act 1997 Section 7 and 13 other charges including those pertaining to rioting, attempted murder, and assault on government officials. You are on the right page for more information about the news, so please read the complete article.

As far as we know, the complaint records state the raid tea was attacked with petrol bombs, batons and stones. In addition, Pervaiz Elahi reportedly helped in evading arrest during the raid. The terror case was reported against Pervaiz Elahi following a team of ACE, Lahore police, and Punjab Police carrying out a raid to apprehend him. Here we have shared all the information which we had and if we will get any information then we will update you soon. Stay tuned to Dekh News for more updates.  


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