Suhani asks Somya to help her. Meinka got a call from someone then she scolds Leela for stealing money from the envelope. Yuvaan is frightened Suhani plans something. Yuvaan saw a fairy’s umbra and yells. Suhani wakes up and pretends like she hasn’t seen anybody She said she killed the Holiday ghost as her mother prayed. Somya is in Angel’s disguise, Pratima praised Somya for doing this.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki Episode Written
Ragini taunts Somya to help Suhani and traduces Somya which creates insecurities in her mind. Yuvaani came closer to Suhani and Somya feels that she is going far from her. Saurabh brings ice-cream for all children. Somya got angry from Suhani. Yuvaan asks to go for picking mangoes from the tree. They successfully convince Somya to go with them. Ragini asks her to go and she will plan further. Leela blackmails Menka for money.
Leela tells Dadi that all children went with Somya and Suhani in the mango garden. Dadi got angry. Somya and Suhani recall their friendship days. Suhani senses like Yuvraaj is around her. Yuvraaj gets off from a truck. Suhani, Somya and Children enjoy there. Yuvraaj is returning back. He saw a car and goes to see who is around from his house. Somya tricks Suhani and makes fun. Yuvraaj heard children voice.
Somya and Suhani heard someone coming. They all hide. Suhani hits Yuvraaj from behind on his head. Yuvraaj falls down.
Yuvraaj meets Sharad and complains him as he left him alone. Sharad tries to make an excuse but failed, Yuvraaj says the reason is different and Sharad is about to tell about Yuvaan but Dadi came.
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