
4 Major SEO Advices for Online Casinos and Betting Sites

The SEO requirements for casino and gambling sites are similar to those for sports betting sites. To begin with, it’s a niche business with legal hurdles to get over, as several nations and even individual states in the United States have outright banned internet gambling.

Second, search engine results pages are cautious about the information that makes direct attempts to mislead their algorithm to boost gambling and casino-related results.

You can expect your casino business to expand rapidly if you take the correct steps and have an established SEO agency like Fortis Media on your side. A declining number of people are actively looking for local casinos. Because of the state of affairs in the year 2020, the most popular fad is playing at online casinos, which provide the chance to win real money with just a few clicks.

In light of that, we’ll be dishing out some advice in this piece to assist you in growing the web presence of your professional gambling enterprise.

Why Is It Hard To Rank Gambling Websites?

The online casino and gaming market necessitates careful long-term planning for the reasons already mentioned.

It takes time and patience to get your online casino from being an unknown to getting ranked and rated by and getting your site on the top page of Google for competitive keywords. Do not anticipate a spike in organic traffic overnight or even a few days or months. Even if you set attainable goals, it will take time to see any results.

For a website to be successful, organic traffic is crucial. In 2019, 53 percent of all clicks on search engines resulted from organic searches. Therefore, you should always consider the significance of an SEO planning approach if you want to see your website expand and acquire a devoted consumer base.

Because you want to avoid risking your business’s reputation and wasting resources on a strategy that will only pay off in the short run, it’s essential to work with a reputable SEO firm.

Major SEO Advice for Gambling Sites

If you trust your SEO strategy to someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing, Google or other search engines may blacklist your website. Because the gambling niche may appear inadvertently on queries intended for children, Google, in particular, can trace the abuse of keywords. It is particularly tough with it (for example).

Search engine optimization for casinos comes at a high price. Web admins will need a larger budget than they would for other niches to get published in authoritative sources (such as newspapers and blogs with a large volume of visitors) and get backlinks from those sites. Some of them openly refuse to include any gambling-related hyperlinks on their website since they know the business’s niche nature and the fierce market competition.

Last but not least, private blog networks should be avoided. Some advertising firms could recommend establishing a private blog network as a simple means of increasing exposure. People who use PBNs build a network of related websites and pump out as much content as possible (not quality content).

Therefore, we strongly caution you against making use of PBNs. Instead, we provide you with ten suggestions to improve the organic search results for your online casino. Browse the tips that follow.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Keyword Analysis

There are good reasons to dig even deeper into the keyword research rabbit hole in the casino and gambling industries. You may select keywords for which you have a legitimate shot at ranking using tools like Google Analytics, AhRefs, and SEMRush.

Don’t waste time with more advanced keywords like “casino” or “betting”; instead, focus on the easier targets. Avoid congested niches by concentrating on long-tail keywords relevant to your audience.

As the popularity of various search terms fluctuates, it is crucial to remain at the forefront of the industry’s keyword competition. Numerous websites enter the fray, and consumer tastes shift frequently. There is a lot of rivalry for the top spots on the first page of major SERPs (like Google’s and Bing’s). This means looking for keywords more frequently than once a day is required.

Avoid keyword stuffing connected to gambling since Google and other search engines may view this as questionable behavior. Backlinks should look natural, so use naked URLs and brand names whenever you can.

2. Optimize Your Content

Many search engine optimization specialists argue that maintaining and upgrading older articles is more valuable than constantly producing new material. Betting lines and casino games are only two examples of how frequently you’ll need to update your writing about online gambling and casinos to keep up with the times. Whenever you make changes to your website and publish them for all to see, search engines will crawl your site and take note, ultimately raising your site’s ranking.

You can update your older articles by adding links if you have just launched new services or goods. Check for broken links and unintuitive layouts to improve the user experience. 

3. Consistent Content

For your online casino, that means daily content optimization AND a carefully thought-out content strategy. If you want your site to feel consistent, you need to know how regularly you can add new material. It’s okay if you can devote a lot of time or money to publishing new content daily. Ensure visitors can tell you’re still active and caring about what you’re saying.

It’s impossible to stress the value of focusing on quality rather than quantity. Content that is useful, unique, and not duplicated elsewhere receives higher rankings from search engines. The best way to get noticed is to provide substantive responses to the questions you raise in your writing rather than padding it out with filler words.

4. Always Pay Attention To Reviews

Online casinos and gambling sites are unique in their premium customer feedback. Reviews play a significant role in helping customers choose between similarly ranked products, just as they do for hotels and restaurants.

The study results below demonstrate that most consumers use customer reviews when deciding between competing products or services. Maintaining a visible reviews section on your homepage is a great way to show off your customers’ positive experiences and get feedback on how you can improve your service.


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